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The H.O.P.E. team conducts Operation Shelter Me

By County of San Bernardino
Community Writer
03/14/2024 at 09:53 AM

Recently, the Community Service & Reentry Division, Homeless Outreach Proactive Enforcement (H.O.P.E.) team conducted “Operation Shelter Me” in San Bernardino County. Operation Shelter Me aims to connect staff with unhoused residents and offer them housing, medical and mental health treatment services. During this operation, the team focused on those with the most significant mental illness to get those individuals linked to restorative mental health pathways.

The team provided 21 individuals with referrals to programs for assistance. Four individuals were linked with follow-up professional services and one veteran experiencing homelessness was provided emergency housing while awaiting services from local veteran service providers. While service capacity is limited, the teams will continue to work with this population to get them into services as they become available.

In June of 2023, San Bernardino County opted into Laura’s Law, also called Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT). Laura’s Law provides opportunities for court-ordered community treatment pathways for individuals with histories of hospitalization or incarceration, and histories of violence to themselves or others. During this operation, deputies located one individual who could potentially qualify for Laura’s Law services. Staff will coordinate with the Department of Behavioral Health for further services for this individual.

The team provided this focused outreach due to Senate Bill 170, which provided funding to the department to support ongoing operations of this nature. The H.O.P.E. team and other aligned resources will continue operations of this type throughout the county over the next several years.

If you know anyone experiencing homelessness who need services, please get in touch with the H.O.P.E. team at 909-387-0623 or email