Gender IdentitySocietal Conflict

By: Ralph Aguilar

Community Writer

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Professor H. Adam Ackley at All Saints Pasadena (Nov. 24, 2013). The video of this talk can be found on YouTube.

If we consider Developmental Psychologist Erik Erikson's psychosocial stages of development, pronounced identity conflict is a huge milestone affecting the outcome of one's life well into adulthood. For Heather Ann Ackley, Ph.D., now known as, Heath Adam Ackley, that conflict lasted well into her 40s. At Dr. Ackley's University of Redlands transgender presentation held in mid-Feb. 17, he stated, "A lot of people who decide to become transgender take time in doing so. We're so happy for those who can do it early, but please don't judge those who can't." The LGBT community is not unfamiliar with societal rejection. Although this was not the focus of the UoR presentation, Dr. Ackley was asked to leave Azusa Pacific University (APU) in Sept. 2013, after 15 years as professor of theology and philosophy, part of which was as chair of the department, once it was discovered that he was transgender. The message made clear, according to Dr. Ackley, as stated in the Huffington Post in September of last year, was that being asked to leave APU had to do with "their concern that other people, such as donors, parents and churches connected to the university [would] have problems not understanding transgender identity.” Understanding doesn't come easy. For those that actually struggle with their gender identification, Dr. Ackley stated that about 50% of them are suicidal, being three times greater at risk than any other group. Yet, for a child, it would seem, understanding takes a backseat to simply being. During Dr. Ackley's presentation, he shared how at about 2 years old, he told his loving grandparents and parents he preferred to pee standing. At about 5 years old, he wanted to be a cowboy when he grew up, not a cowgirl when pressed, and later The President. Understanding people who face such a troubling, internal conflict requires time. For example, just last year, in what's often referred to as the bible of psychiatry and psychology, the latest edition of the DSM (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) no longer credits gender identity conflict to mental illness. For Dr. Ackley, this was a sense of relief in some way, as she is quoted in the Huffington Post article last year, in which she said, “This year has been a transition from being a mentally ill woman to being a sane, transgendered man.” As a supposed mentally ill woman prior to Dr. Ackley's willful transformation, her failing treatment included hormones and psychotropic medications, not to mention, her own self-medicating with alcohol in hopes to dim the pain, Dr. Ackley shared; that is, until as he puts it, Dr. Ackley decided to no longer live in fear, and thus, decided to embrace his difference.