75 Reduction in Back Pain
in Just 4 Weeks!

By: Dr. Abel A. Rendon, PT, DSc, DPT

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Dr. Abel A. Rendon

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Myofascial Release is a hands-on approach that has 2 fundamentally different approaches. Time and Pressure.

The image you see above is of a recent patient and his success story. This adult had been suffering from back pain for years. He is well educated and had tried many different styles of treatments to help his back pain. However, no success and no results lead him to Rendon Physical Therapy and Myofascial Release. In about 4 weeks, he received > 75% reduction in low back pain to improve his quality of life and stop taking OTC for management! Incredible. Rendon Physical Therapy is the only Clinic in the Inland empire that solely focuses on restoring the normal myofascial balance of the human frame. Did you know that last year alone, Americans spent about $8 Billion a year in massage, chiropractic, and self-help treatments to relieve pain? Have you had your myofascial treated? Or have you had a Myofascial Release? More importantly, have you had Physical Therapy+ Myofascial Release? My guess is probably not, because insurance companies do not want insurance-based PT to perform manual treatment, that is why the majority of the time when you go to a PT clinic that takes insurance, you will do "exercises" and "modalities" for pain, not hands-on skilled work. Myofascial Release is a hands-on approach that has 2 fundamentally different approaches. Time and Pressure. Time is needed for the tissue to change, which is the goal. Pressure is the craft of the clinician to know how hard or how deep the body will allow it to be worked on. The pressure a professional bodybuilder needs are very different from the pressure an 80-year-old patient needs. However, they both experience a release due to the time held under their needed Pressure hold. Would you like to have dramatic results that can be tested and observed? Just like my previous patient experienced just this last month. How would you feel with your back pain reduced by 75%? These types of results are typical for my patients, it's a revolutionary way to observe the tension and ache people are suffering with every day. I scan every one of my patients with a surface electro­ myography instrument and scanner (sEMG). Its extremely sensitive and reliable and provides valuable data for the clinician and the patient of their current state of dysfunction. It allows us to build a custom plan of care that is directed towards influencing the areas that you the patient are suffering with the most. I hate to waste my time and the time of my patients, so being able to identify true dysfunctions and apply treatment to exact areas is the best way to gain the best results. If you or someone you know would like to get this scan and pursue a plan of care to reduce the ongoing back or neck pain you have been suffering within a short amount of time, then don't hesitate. Call us to get a Free Consult with Dr. Abel Rendon, DPT, DSc, PT, this month at 909-796-0012. Bianca, our front office customer specialist will give you the earliest available appointment left on the schedule. Call soon due to limited availability. For more local news and information click here.