Board of Supervisors Elects New Chair ViceChair

By: Paul Andrews

Community Writer

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Office of Robert Lovingood

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County Supervisors Robert Lovingood (left) and James Ramos (right) were sworn in respectively as the vice chairman and chairman of the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors.

The San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors this week unanimously elected Third District Supervisor James Ramos to serve as the board's new chairman for a two year term and elected First District Supervisor Robert Lovingood as the board's new vice chairman. The County Charter requires the Board to elect a chair at its first meeting in January following an election of supervisors. "I am honored my colleagues have chosen me to lead the Board over the next two years," said Ramos, who was elected to the Board in 2012 and is the first Native American to serve as the Board's chair. Ramos said his plans for the county include continuing the work toward job growth in the region, programs to assist homeless youth, and other projects. "The Board remains committed to working together as a team for the betterment of our San Bernardino County family, including our many residents, employees, and fellow elected officials," said Ramos. "I look forward to working with our Vice Chairman Robert Lovingood and my colleagues to continue to bring positive change to the County of San Bernardino.” Lovingood thanked Supervisor Curt Hagman for making the motion to elect him as vice chair. Lovingood also thanked the other Supervisors "for placing their trust in me. I look forward to working closely with Board Chairman Ramos in advancing goals that will make San Bernardino County an even better place to live, work and do business." Both Ramos and Lovingood also thanked outgoing Chair Janice Rutherford, who serves as the Second District Supervisor, for her two years of service at the Board's Helm. Rutherford thanked her colleagues for working as a team and tackling key issues including senior property tax relief, court funding, underwater mortgage relief, discussions on charter reform and improving San Bernardino County's working relationship with Riverside County on common issues. The two boards held a joint meeting in September.