by Jennifer Reynolds on 2015-04-28

A new series of displays that ask visitors to interact with objects is now open at the San Bernardino County Museum. The ramps that connect the museum lobby with the upper floor have been transformed into “Remember Ramps” with historical artifacts, photographs, and vintage advertisements. The exhibit will continue through the summer. “Our long-range plans for the museum ramps are to produce a series of interactive exhibits for children and families,” explained museum spokesperson Jennifer Reynolds. “This new exhibit came about because every time staff members went into the storage areas for our history collections, we inevitably said, ‘Oh, I remember when my grandmother used this’ or ‘Do you remember when we used to …’. So we decided to invite museum visitors to share their memories and stories the same way, by displaying everyday objects that have changed over time.“ The Remember Ramps include displays and hands-on examples of household and office items like telephones, typewriters, record players, calculators, and cameras, ranging in age from the turn of the last century to just decades ago. “Museum people talk a lot about interactive exhibits,” said Reynolds. “Remember Ramps are truly interactive. Visitors can actually try out a typewriter, a dial phone, or a calculator. At the same time, they can interact by sharing their memories about these artifacts with their family and friends. Visitors will essentially personalize these displays with their own stories.” Remember Ramps and the County Museum’s other exciting exhibits and events reflect the effort by the Board of Supervisors to achieve the Countywide Vision by celebrating arts, culture, and education in the county, creating quality of life for residents and visitors. The San Bernardino County Museum is at 2024 Orange Tree Lane, at the California Street exit from Interstate 10 in Redlands. The museum is open Tuesdays through Sundays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.