by Carl Baker on 2016-09-16

REDLANDS>> The Redlands Police Department partnered with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in the national Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over drunk-driving enforcement campaign between Aug. 19-Sept. 5. Over a little more than three weeks, local law enforcement showed zero tolerance for impaired driving, arresting five offenders for the crime. Two drivers were also arrested and cited on possession of drug paraphernalia charges. The Redlands Police Department ramped up its usual enforcement efforts, adding three sobriety checkpoints and six saturation patrols. By removing drunken drivers from the roads, Chief of Police Mark A. Garcia said many lives were likely saved. “For us, saving one life would make the campaign worthwhile,” Garcia said. “We wanted our local citizens to know that we do not tolerate drunk driving. Officers were out in full force, pulling over and arresting drivers who were under the influence. We wanted people to know the message: drive sober or get pulled over.” Through TV, radio, social media and outdoor messaging, the high-visibility enforcement campaign aimed to increase awareness about the dangers of drunken driving. According to NHTSA, this aggressive approach has proven effective in the past for enforcing other types of traffic safety laws, such as seat belts and speeding. “We encourage anyone heading out for the night to please plan a safe ride home before you take the first sip,” Garcia said. “This is a key to preventing drunk driving. If everyone planned ahead, lives would be saved.” “There is never a safe time to drink and drive,” said RPD Traffic Unit Supervisor Sgt. Ken Wright. “In partnership with NHTSA, we ask everyone to please consider the deadly consequences of their actions. Remember: Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over, every day of the year.” [END]